Monday, January 10, 2011


It was a beautiful winter day -- snow on the ground but not in the way, sunshine, no wind, and temperatures in the 30s. Not that I was outside to enjoy it; I was all set to go on errands when Jack persuaded me that I could efficiently work them in to tomorrow's plans. So I continued my other tasks of the day. I felt productive the whole time, juggling a Skype fika, IM chat, and phone calls with colleagues to discuss various projects, but by the end of the day I have few words committed to the hard drive. I can point to a carpet rolled up for shipping to Florida and a de-cluttered bedroom as "hard" accomplishments, and such activities usually spread good karma into the next day. So maybe I'm in for a productive week -- not that every week isn't productive in the meaning-making system of the moment.

But I didn't feel the urge to reach for my camera.

1 comment:

  1. so proud that I know what a Skype fika is.
    so happy to be learning from your blog - thanks!
