Thursday, June 10, 2010

Small stuff

My morning started with a Skype meeting with the BDL-book editorial team in Gothenburg, then I rapidly dispatched chapters to authors for proofing. The routing doesn't bear contemplating, Pascal in Gothenburg emailed them to me in Stonington, then I sent them back to authors in Gothenburg! Apart from proofing my own chapters, that project is quiet until I get the final proofs from Pascal. I worked a bit on final edits to the Design Management Handbook chapter -- but I'm having some problems with the Harvard style for references. I expect to finish it tomorrow.

We went to Fairfield to check on the condo -- weeded and de-headed dead flowers in the small flower-bed and did a quick dust-through. I saw the new furniture arrangement organized by the relator for the first time. I can see why she did it, but I certainly wouldn't want to live there. A colleague from the university stopped in for lunch - he seemed relaxed, though he said he was very busy before leaving for Europe on Sunday.

Finally, here's the smallest news of all --

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