My goal is 2 hours of concentrated effort each weekday (no more, no less). I have three projects in the incubation phase:
(1) Revision of the EGOS irony paper for publication (with Ulla, except she's on vacation at the moment so we're not having Skype conversations about it) -- I'm doing preliminary library "thrashing about" trying to find the right amount of detail that I need for "mapping the field" without it becoming a dissertation literature review. My searching is complicated by the fact that I have lost SHU library privileges so need to find my way around the University of Gothenburg databases.
(2) A critical pedagogy piece with Jeanie for CM7 in Naples next July -- we're meeting on August 16 to write the abstract and draft the paper. I'm not really doing much on this except feel guilty every once in a while that I haven't done anything.
(3) Developing my graphic novel on the topic of Art, Design and Organization for EGOS in Gothenburg next year. I'm spending more time on technique than the story, so it's still in the fun and not the slog phase! Also I'm reading a good text on the theory of art comics (the technical name for graphic novels) that should help me to not be too literal in my panels.
None of this work lends itself to photos at this stage, and I haven't been out searching for inspiration, so this is a dull post. (And no doubt my work sounds dull to most followers!)