Monday, March 7, 2011


Plans to go on a second "curator search" were foiled when the "wallpaper stripper" called with a change in schedule and willingness to come today; which he did. So I caught up on administrivia, put my postcolonial thoughts in (better) order, and tackled the details of GN chapter 2. I completed a panel -- four to go -- but it is slow work, even when I have the chapter more or less blocked out, and know which photos and information (knowledge/literature) I will use for the text. The overall design and selecting just a few words to convey meaning take a surprisingly long time. I'm inspired to complete chapter 2 this week -- and hope to go searching for a curator on Wednesday.

I'm fascinated by how much I am using Wikipedia. Or maybe I should be concerned - have I lost my academic edge? But I've always valued Wikipedia for "informal research" and it's especially helpful for "catching up" on the painters mentioned in the drawing class. For the graphic novel I invariably use it to follow up on a hunch for an interesting angle to a panel, or to confirm a meaning of a word -- for example, "starchitect" today. Invariably I then retreat to the Gothenburg University library or use WorldCat to try and locate a copy of a particular book close-by. Though I must confess Amazon has been delivering books fairly frequently. I've always got a collection on my "wish list" and as soon asI find something that I must have -- which can just as easily be travel guides to exotic places like Botswana -- I take the opportunity to add one or two "really not completely essential but very interesting" books.

Goodness gracious, I haven't even mentioned Google!

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