Friday, February 11, 2011

Drawing class number 2 reflections

I was too discouraged yesterday when I retuned from class to post. Now I can take some distance from my dismal efforts and put it into perspective. My first thought today is that my feelings are no different than at this point in my design class - I'm overwhelmed by all I can't do and don't know, and a pedagogy that continuously compares to "the perfect" is a totally different, and sometimes humiliating, experience. But that's what I wanted! And, to be fair to myself, I am a complete novice in the intermediate class! The instructor does not demean me for what I can't do/know and my classmates are all very encouraging. More (much) practice is needed!

The lecture-conversation was on space/relationships via the various arithmetic ratios (e.g., the olden mean, Fiboriacci recursion) that artists (Picasso and Dali were the class examples) used to compose their paintings, and our homework is to find a specific artwork and create an abstraction by using tracing paper to construct the lines and spaces that create the ratios. (To put my own work in perspective, I use the center point and mid-point of each side. No wonder it is so dull!) I had never thought of deconstructing paintings that way, so I look forward to "solving" the puzzle. I was about to write "enjoy" but decided there will be much frustration involved.

The "crit" this week was of work that students brought to class. We have one "star" in the class and he brought in some work from a figure drawing class. He has an interesting technique using pastel , very strong, not "pretty" at all. But he's able to convey shape and depth in just a few strokes. I can definitely learn from that - but I'm not sure that I would want that style. My own strength (I believe) is a good eye for perspective, but against that I have a tendency to want to be too true to life. (If so, why not just take a photo?) I need to find my own "style".

As a further example of "style", the class ended with Brian showing us some of his work and explaining his technique for each. He's been selected to appear in New American Paintings. We quizzed him quite extensively as to whether he really applied measurement rules while in the artwork was in progress. He dodged the question!

I've my own personal homework for the week -- maybe I'll post some along the way!

1 comment:

  1. don't be discouraged. just enjoy the experience and your personal journey.
