Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Piling = Getting ready

Today was as beautiful a late summer/early fall day as anyone could wish for. Our frantic activities of the last few days were complete when the "3-P tower of dinghies" in the basement was established (Pilot, Portia, and Puff).

I read some design thinking articles, refreshed my mind on the University of Gothenburg's case for EQUIS accreditation, making margin notes of specific issues for AACSB, and had a number of emails with "guest services" about arrangements for pick-up at the airport. My other preparation has reached the stage of unruly piles of clothes etc., so all I need to do tomorrow is prune and pack.

This is the last post from this side of the pond -- next one from Gothenburg!

1 comment:

  1. I know that you will whip that pile of clothes into shape and end up taking just what you need!
