And the start of a "real" workweek. By week's end I'll be at my desk in Victoriagatan, Gothenburg. I need to become re-designed in a hurry! My efforts today were not very successful. I spent some time working on my graphic novel, but all I accomplished was to learn how to cut out an image from one photo to paste into another. That's a useful skill -- the work-around way I have been doing it up till now was very clunky. But I couldn't see my way to actually working on a panel, or even a single frame. Instead I did what women often seem to do to avoid writing -- I cleaned. My study is not messy - so I tackled the kitchen. Hmm, once I started it seemed as if there was no end to it -- outside of cupboards, inside, shelves ... etc. A change of focus was clearly needed, so I checked up on a friend's progress following her hip replacement surgery. She's walking further each day, and was good for an hour of chat exchanging trivia. By that time I was ready for more cleaning -- and so the afternoon passed.
I'll hunt out the papers that Ulla and I need to work on. That should get my brain juices flowing! And if I still need inspiration I'll go back to my posts of this time last year when I was entering the design world.
An hour or so later ... I checked on my early posts and was inspired by a photo of the library at Ephesus. Google Scholar and EBSCO database replaced Turkey, and I came away with half a dozen articles loosely related to design thinking that caught my fancy. Now I have some reading to start my thinking process -- and of course, further excuses not to write!
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