Saturday, May 8, 2010

Catching up on the new year

Today we remedied a grievous error -- we had not yet enjoyed our first lobster of 2010, and I will soon be off again!
We had to settle on one ~3lb crustacean because smaller ones were hard to find. Jack and I agreed that the size was in fact perfect -- some fun with "the fight with the shell," and lots of delicious meat.

We also had goat cheese pie
(earned a 5= delicious, same as before) with lettuce from our garden. "Left-over" birthday cake (thank you again, Mary) and a dry white wine completed the feast. Worth waiting 5 months for!

My work-time was more enjoyable too. I had some work of "my
own" to do, creating the slides and handouts for our EAM presentation next Friday. It was a relief not to be reading about someone else's take on design thinking for a change!


  1. EAM is in Portland, ME---dress warmly!!

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