Saturday, May 15, 2010

Maine report

I really didn't "go Maine-ing", as other conference attendees labeled their activities if they were absent from the sessions, so my illustrations from my "there and back" visit are a lighthouse statue (from the hotel back door by the garage) representing the extent of my sightseeing, and the New Hampshire state liquor store, representing my spending spree.

The conference was as many academic meetings tend to be -- good for catching up with friends and colleagues from other places, and so-so for brilliant new insights -- but a line on the CV for a presentation (went well) and professional service by facilitating a session. And while there, I received news of the publication of the "Five Minds" article (with 5 co-authors) in the Organization Management Journal (scroll down in the link to access the paper). I must still consider myself an academic if I am concerned with maintaining my CV!

The complementary hotel WiFi was so weak in my room at the far end of a corridor that it was useless for email. But the 3G network in the iPad worked -- slower than I would have expected.

Tomorrow the laundry/collate clothes/check documents routine starts over, this time for my visit to Gothenburg.

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