Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Something different

I made good on my resolve not to work for so many hours by visiting Mystic Seaport this afternoon. We checked in on progress restoring the Morgan whaling ship -- on track for launch in 2012 and sail to New Bedford in 2013, then went to the Canals and Locks exhibition that Jack wanted to see. It was certainly hands-on -- we tried to find the most efficient way of connecting two bodies of water using various canal-building models (each part cost so many "beads" that we totaled and then converted to millions of dollars) and Jack tried his hand at building a lock (on a computer) while I played a computer simulation of choices a canal boat operator needed to make for every journey and discovered how hard it was to earn a living.

There were some traditional "read the poster" exhibits too. Not quite what we had expected, but engaging!

So now I'm feeling guilty about the paper not finished today. Well, there's always tomorrow!


  1. Glad you took today off from working. The exhibit sounds like fun.

  2. never saw the Charles W. Morgan OUT of the water--thanks for the picture. hope you had fun goofing off.
