Sunday, May 16, 2010

I've been dragging my feet today as far as getting my bags packed is concerned. I suppose I moved the project forward with various emails, some washing and ironing, some shopping for things I might need (crazy really: I know where the supermarket is and that it has all the things I might ever need to replace.) It's all an avoidance mechanism for actually seeing how little will go into my suitcase (and accepting how little I need for 3 weeks with colleagues - I can certainly wear the same formal outfit every time I need one!) As it is my informant Marcus has been keeping me up to date on the weather, and fellow-visitor from the US, Mary Jo, has been reminding me of things like the length of daylight. I've lots of time tomorrow to make (and change) final packing decisions -- I don't leave LP till 5 PM.
More interesting achievements for today:
1) Wind 'n Go uncovered, and the engine mount replaced.

2) Key lime pie prepared for the bake-off -- judged to have a 6 pie rating = incredibly delicious. Three more opportunities for a pie to earn the ultimate 7-pie rating -- but those will be on my return.


  1. Good luck with the packing, and travel safely.

  2. Have a great trip. Hope you will have some time for fun.
