Friday, April 16, 2010

Back to a different world

This morning we drove to Fairfield intent on "beautifying" the little patch of ground in front of the condo. I feel compelled to do whatever I can to make the place inviting for prospective buyers. The complex looks as nice as it ever does with many flowering trees in bloom, so there was no reason that our 12ft by 6ft patch out front shouldn't match the season. I'd forgotten -- long forgotten -- how restorative gardening is And in the process I realized that what had changed most for me over the past 6 months or so was the renewed ability to enjoy tasks for themselves, without feeling guilty that I should be doing something else.

In the process Jack sheared off the bottom of his favorite shovel. HIt's been cracked for years, but the roots and rocks finally did it in. I wonder where (if?) I can find a replacement that will last as long.

Mary -- a colleague from SHU -- stopped by and we chatted for quite a while. She brought me up to date on various comings and goings. I didn't stop by campus, but planned with Mary to have a "ladies' lunch" sometime soon to see everyone whose available and interested.

And I did no intellectual work -- a good thing. Tomorrow I MUST conquer the anatomy of a snake (what??) and finish my design assignment. No word yet from the prof on my last assignment. Maybe it's a new experience for him to have a student who completes work, and on time!

Have a good weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a nice day of gardening. I've been getting my beds and pots ready. I'll let you know what I decide to plant and we can have a 'coastal' experiment.
