Friday, April 30, 2010


It was a long week with lots of intensive work. I've realized the significance of being the editor responsible for ethical conduct of the chapter writers, which means I'm spending quite a bit of time applying for permission to reprint extensive quotes and tables from other books and articles. It's coming together s-l-o-w-l-y. I've received all the copy, but still need to "deSwinglish" several papers and make a final check that all references are correct and correspond, text to reference list. And write my introductions to various sections. And keep nagging the typographic designer ...

But as my faithful followers well know, the week was not all grind. Today's "expedition" was to Charleston --RI that is -- in search of a new outboard engine mount.
Not that we will use it, dedicated "raggies" that we are. But I did get some ideas for other boats while at the marina -- maybe a "party boat" to cruise the shoreline at sunset?

Tomorrow will be yet another new experience. But you'll have to check back here in 24 hours or so to learn about it.


  1. How about a steam launch?

  2. Hmm - now that would be classy! Jack and I could cruise the moorings in style. Note the British Ensign!
