Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday power and purpose

How about this for power? My fame as an AACSB-nag, oops, I mean "force," has preceded me to the university in Sweden, and the business school has changed the date of their AACSB workshop to one when I will be there to be a major contributor! I'd better start memorizing the Standards again!

All else pales beside this news: or rather, it was a very dull day, weatherwise and workwise. There's not much I can reflect on about changing yet another page of references to APA -6th edition format. Last name, comma, initial, period, comma before the & if more than one author, umpteen periods along the way, and comma not colon before the page number in a journal. See, I've bored you, and that's only one reference done!

But I do have all the papers/chapters in hand, except for the prefaces by the two men who came up with the idea of the Business & Design Lab. But before I ask them I need to make an annotated table of contents. Tomorrow maybe ....

1 comment:

  1. speaking of Sweden, how are they faring with the fallout from the Icelandic volcano?
