Sunday, August 15, 2010

Glorious 21

We had one of our best sails of the season with winds of 12-15 knots. Others were doing the same - we saw more sailboats out this afternoon than we've seen the the past month all told. We had to dodge the race of the day -- J-24s sailing downwind with spinnakers set.
We also spotted Whisper (see post of July 20) coming down (or is it up?) the Sound. But she was not under sail -- why ever not? There were no signs of any passengers, so the professional crew of 5 could do as they pleased. Do they not like sailing? (Remind me to ask Mark what he did as a professional crew in similar circumstances.)

I did do some work -- ploughing through the logical decisions for creating the infamous Table 2. And the New York TImes was full of relevant articles, from a Business Section pag
e 1 article on comics, to a Styles section on cutting patterns for jeans with zero wasted fabric. And I picked some of our crop of tomatoes for a special accompaniment to crab cakes this evening. A delicious "end" to a good day.

21? It was sail number 21 of the season!

1 comment:

  1. coming from a non professional crew I think sometimes you just want to get somewhere in a straight direction. Just spent night 28 aboard. Planning for a last hurrah next weekend before bringing the boat back to GH.
