Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Group of people walking on the beach. They stop and point out dolphins to their companions, poke at the jellyfish (a new storm at the weekend deposited a new crop on the beach), and are industriously building new designs in the sand. I'd include some new pictures, but my camera needs a new battery.

Instead I completed a couple of figures for the update to our DMI paper that Ulla and I are writing, and seriously considered a Great Wall of China design for my color-3 assignment. I got as far as a rapid prototype using various shades of grey paper generated by my printer, but was so discouraged by the result that I put it aside. (Just as well I can't include a pic!) Tomorrow I'll probably return to a flower design.

1 comment:

  1. Have you totally abandoned the bird of paradise? I love the photo, but have no idea if you could translate that into your assignment.
