Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Something old (previously seen) something new ....

New first: Started working on my second color assignment-Bezold Effect. I have 2 radically different background colors and 3 other colors with which to make a design (same design on both backgrounds)
Spent ages trying to come up with a good repetitive pattern for the 3 colors. Had to apply some basic trigonometry, use homemade graph paper (Excel grid) and walked to Davidson's to invest $1.15 on a protractor. Ah!, much better, now I can draw 120 degree angles! I have snippets of paper everywhere and used pencil, red, and blue pens to create prototypes. My design-so-far requires some precise cutting to butt the triangles against each other. I'll experiment with the real colored paper tomorrow and see if I can really do it. After my daily reading of Albers, I made one more change to the color-1 assignment. That's ready for rubber cement in the morning.

Old things -- the last of the big jellyfish (look hard and you'll see its outline) and, for those of you who remember my blog of two years ago,

the"mansion" at Point O'Rocks is getting its finishing touches and
landscaping. No "for sale" signs, so someone must be ready to move in.

We ate lunch outside on the balcony -- first time this year. Just like old times!

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